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Suicide Prevention Policy

Suicide Awareness & Prevention

Warning Signs of Suicide

It is vital to suicide prevention that individuals are equipped to recognize the warning signs of someone who is seriously contemplating suicide. Behaviors that may mean a person is at immediate risk for suicide and thus prompt you to take action right away include:

The above behaviors do not necessarily indicate suicidal ideation in and of themselves. However, when combined with other factors (like a recent, painful loss or public moment of humiliation), they should take on a new sense of urgency to intervene with help.

Crisis Hotline Information:

If you feel you or someone else is in imminent danger (e.g has access to a gun, is on a rooftop, or in other unsafe conditions), a call should be made immediately to 911. If you need to talk or help working through a problem, use the resources below.

Phone Numbers:
Text Numbers:

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & Mental Health Resources:

Websites to School Resources:

Family/Parent Resources from Student Support Team
Growth Mindset & SEL Website
Teachers/Staff - Mental Health MTSS
Teachers/Staff - Youth Suicide Awareness & Prevention

Websites to County Resources:

Riverside County Crisis Services

Children & Adolescent Services
Adult Services
Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment

CAREspace (Riverside County Office of Education’s mental health and related services to students, families, and schools)
San Bernardino County Crisis Services

Children, Transitional Age Youth, and Family Services
Substance Use Disorder & Recovery Services

Orange County Crisis Services

Children & Youth Services
Adult Services
Alcohol & Substance Use Services

Wellness Center (Orange County Department of Education’s mental health resources to students, families, and schools )
San Diego County Behavioral Health Services (Services for Adult, Children, Crisis)

Crisis Response Team